“Raising Edwin” is an intriguing tale set amidst the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia. In the heart of this unique region resides Margret Stewart, a successful business woman deeply attached to her father’s thriving construction enterprise. Her home in Vancouver, Canada is shared with her trusted housemaid, Clare, and the dedicated chauffeur, Jim.
Despite her remarkable success in the business world, Margret harbors an unfulfilled longing for motherhood. An inability to bear children herself only intensifies her maternal instincts. Determined to experience the joys of nurturing a child, she confides in her faithful chauffeur, Jim, who embarks on a quest to find a willing mother eager to sell her child to Margret in exchange for a substantial sum, provided the child is healthy.
Jim’s search leads them to a woman named Amber Winston who seems open to the idea. They meet with her, striking an agreement that would change their lives forever. What Margret and Amber are unaware of, however, is the extraordinary truth behind the child’s biological father. He is not human, but the last surviving member of a unique extraterrestrial species known as “hydrates.” Their spacecraft had crashed deep within a remote cavern, a location frequented by mountain climbers.
Amber unknowingly received the alien’s genetic material during an encounter in that cavern, as the robotic alien desperately attempted to ensure the continuation of his mission, despite facing certain death. His ultimate goal: to facilitate the arrival of his alien brethren on Earth.
As Margret prepares to bring Amber to live with her during the pregnancy, an unexpected twist unfolds. The onboard master CPU of the crashed spacecraft unexpectedly reactivates, revealing that all three crew members had perished, leaving behind clues about the last crew member 0903, ill-fated attempt to share his genetic legacy with a human female—an act that would seal her fate.
Now, the master CPU links with other less powerful CPUs and takes on a new mission: to ensure the survival of the child and continue the mission. As Margret’s desire to raise the child grows stronger, the CPU’s expanded their network of knowledge and responsibility sets the stage for a thrilling and complex narrative. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey to fulfill the legacy of an alien mission on Earth.